Your gift is very important to St. Francis of Assisi Parish. We recognize your online gifts as part of the Offertory at Mass. Automated giving is an alternate means of support for St. Francis instead of using envelopes. We understand that people are using electronic methods to bank and pay bills, now more than ever. No more rushing to get the checkbook for Mass! It can be a challenge at times to operate a parish budget when levels of giving vary so much from week to week. Your recurring online donation helps.
The Abundant program can collect monthly contributions from your checking, savings or credit card account. There is NO cost to you to participate in the program.
Allows you to plan your giving in the same way you budget your other financial commitments.
You no longer have to be concerned about making up missed offertory donations when you are out of town, on vacation, ill, etc.
You can easily adjust the amount of your automated contribution (up or down) through this link.