Centering / Contemplative Prayer
An invitation to a childlike, life-long journey with other beginning seekers.
Each one yearning to understand that love alone is real.
Where there’s NOTHING to Figure out – Even though we relentlessly try ...
Nothing to Acquire!
It’s just a matter of becoming aware that we are God’s beloved.
It’s just a matter of becoming aware of what is within, who we really are in God.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is one of at least three places in the Spokane Area where you can experience Centering / Contemplative Prayer with individuals from all walks of life. In many ways we’re all beginners! We’re all learning to be more present, open and awake to how precious this moment in life is!
Here at St. Francis of Assisi we have a THREE part program:
#1 – Prayer Meeting
Tuesday Mornings at 10 AM we gather In-Person in Rm #1 of the School Building.
Thursday Evenings at 7 PM we gather Via Zoom.
Sessions consist of attempting to sit in Silence for 20 minutes followed by 20 minutes of an Educational Program talk for encouragement along this journey. Sharing usually follows. Beginner’s sessions offered for new individuals.
#2 – Educational Programs
This is a 45 to 60 minute Educational Program via Zoom. It consists of speakers who help guide us on this journey. We offer the same talk three times a week at 7 PM on Monday evenings, 6:30 AM on Wednesday Mornings and 7 PM Friday evening. Discussion & sharing usually follows.
#3 – Once a Month, Sunday In-Person Gatherings
This also takes place in Rm. #1 of the School Bldg. It’s usually on the 2nd Sunday of the month but that changes, so contact us before you come. We usually gather from 2 – 3:30 PM. It’s sort of a low-key social time followed by a 20 minute sit, 15 minute Educational Material offered; then discussion & sharing usually follow. We often go to eat at a restaurant afterwards.
All are welcome to attend any or all of the above three sessions! It’s ALL Free! Everyone is at liberty to come & go as they wish. There are NO requirements for attendance.
Contact: Mike and Jean Walters 509-939-2185
For more information on Centering / Contemplative Prayer, go to: